* You are already in 3-6 months clothing, size 2 diapers, and eating 8 oz. of formula every four hours.

* You celebrated your first Thanksgiving lunch at your Great Grandparents, Charles and June Odom', house. Your friend Todd shared some sweet potatoes with you that you really enjoyed.

* You are starting to laugh out loud now when Dad pretends that your stomach is his favorite sub sandwich. Here's a preview of what you sound like while playing with your Aunt Mia. I believe she was just asking you "how are you doing?" Who would've thought that such a short phrase would've brought such laughter?
* You will have a very special day on Sunday, December 6. Your Dad and I will dedicate you back to the Lord at the Parent/Child Dedication at Ingleside Baptist Church in Macon, GA. What a special blessing you have been to your father and I. You have taught us so much about ourselves and the world in just five short months. We pray that you come to know Christ at a young age and that you would experience the joy of knowing God as your Saviour.
Your father and I have chosen this verse as your life verse:
"But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been acquainted with the sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus". (2 Timothy 3:14-15 Holy Bible ESV)
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